Today, many kids have legal guardians – people who are not their biological parents but are responsible for taking care of them. Do not make the mistake of thinking that legal guardians are the same as adoptive parents. However, they have many same rights and responsibilities as adoptive parents do.

Legal Guardian Under California Law

A person other than a biological parent who has legal custody of a child or children is a legal guardian in California. The reason to file a guardianship in California is to get a court order that legally authenticates an adult responsible for a minor child.

The courts are thorough when determining whether they should grant legal custody of a child to someone other than a biological parent. Also, an individual requesting to become a child’s legal guardian must prove by convincing evidence that it’s in the child’s best interest.

It generally happens when the biological parent(s) are unable to care for the child because of:

  • Death
  • Domestic violence
  • Illness
  • Drug addiction
  • Deportation
  • Profound financial problems
  • Military duty overseas

The court may find other situations that make the parents incompetent or incapable of caring for the child.

The Differences Between Legal Guardians and Adoptive Parents:

Even if someone gets the legal guardianship of a child, the child’s parents may retain their parental rights. The court can terminate the guardianship when the parent’s situation improves. The court can also supervise guardianship.

In an adoption, the biological parents lose their parental rights to the child. They don’t have visitation rights or have any kind of relationship with the child. Parents can’t get those right back. Also, courts do not supervise adoptive families.

Why Work with Legal Document Preparation Services?

If you need to know more about legal guardianship in California, you should work with an attorney and legal document preparation services. Using a legal document preparation service is the best way to reduce legal costs. Moreover, it ensures that all of the documents are prepared appropriately.

Here are few reasons to hire a legal document preparation service:

  • When you prepare a legal document yourself, there are greater chances of making an error that can cost you time and money. It is essential to follow regulations when it comes to preparing legal documents.

Hiring a qualified professional will help save you money and time. You will also be confident that the documents are filled out correctly.

  • You need to fill out the complicated legal forms rightly to avoid any delay in the process. When you work with an expert legal document preparer, you pay only for what you need.
  • Your entire case might be thrown out of court if the paperwork is prepared inappropriately. Hiring a document preparation service is an ideal option as the experts stand behind the paperwork. And you get peace of mind.

Hiring a professional company that deals with legal document preparation in California is an excellent decision. If you have general questions about legal guardianship in California, it’s best to work with the experts.